DCU, PSC, LCB, PSL: Platform Screen Doors (PSD) is composed of mechanical and electrical parts. The mechanical part includes door structure and door machine system. The electrical part includes power system and monitoring system.
Monitoring system achieves the two-level management of system center, maintenance center and station and three operating modes of system level, station level and local level control. The station door control system is designed according to the operation mode and corresponding function requirements. Under the premise of satisfying the functional requirements, the system's advanced nature, reliability and economy are improved.
The platform door control system is mainly composed of PSC, PSL, DCU, LCB, control LAN, software, surveillance alarm device and inter-network communication protocol converter, safety relay circuit equipment, communication media and communication interface modules and other components. A station sets up a PSC, each set of which controls both sides of the platform door. Each side of station door control subsystem consists of a separate unit controller, local control unit PSL, control loop and DCU and other components. To ensure that the failure of any side of the station door does not affect the normal operation of other side; a door failure does not affect the normal operation of the same side. The station door condition monitoring system consists of the field bus communication local area network to form the bus-type monitoring system, display the relevant status of each DCU, inquiry the record; carry on the parameter modification, the software writing as well as the failure, status inquiry of each door unit through the PSC. The status of all the activities of each station can be queried through the maintenance terminal. The parameters and firmware of each DCU can be updated via the PSC. The control subsystem of each side of the station connects the corresponding signal system of the side, station IBP box to control the corresponding side station door. The hardware and software design of the control subsystem takes full account of reliability, maintainability, availability and scalability, while following the principles of modular and redundant design.